Since I'm not actively working on Cronic Knitter Design things having pretty much shut that down, only doing requests as the love is so gone with that. Oh man is it ever! One just should not be getting as upset and bitter as I was just doing a tiny small bit of work for it! Just wrong. It's from here that I learned the lesson of 'do what you love' so like a friend has done, I'm doing what I love. Knitting projects I want to and like to work on and if the love is lost it gets frogged (or stashed away for a job trade chance).
It was going to be like any other time a podcaster has mentioned a participation knit along sort of deal. I've known about the Knit Girlls Stash Down for quite some time and never gave it a second thought. Up till I made a post in the Stash Down Chatter thread, I was rather ashamed and felt way bad for having TONES of arcylic yarns and a small stash of 'Pretties' (a.k.a expensive yarn). By God's grace, he moved people to share, to comment and rebuked me (I think I'm using that word right). The feeling isn't completely gone, to the best of my feeling but I do feel a great weight lifted from my mind and thoughts on it hearing straight from people that I'm not the only one. That my sharing has helped others in some ways.
So I'm doing Stash down. Goal is 3k that's like some crazy amount yard wise but thinking of this in walking terms, I could walk this without killing myself and hurting my side groin muscle. When I pulled out the Wips it didn't look as much as I thought it was, just time consuming with some of them. Naturally I forgot three wips when I took the group shot - go figure.
Summer Cable Slipper
Zombie Skewed
Old Stash Spring Filia
Mason's Chase Hat
Christmas Garland
Jumbo Knitted Blanket
My Lime green Scarf
Random Kroy Orange Sock
Wurm Hat
Crochet Monkey Toy
Ministry Works10+ scarfs, hats & mittens
Simplest Mitten
Pink Furry Thing - Frog?
Loom Knit Scarf
More proof that this summer is going to be all sorts of crazy sauce ! lol
So I'm doing Stash down. Goal is 3k that's like some crazy amount yard wise but thinking of this in walking terms, I could walk this without killing myself and hurting my side groin muscle. When I pulled out the Wips it didn't look as much as I thought it was, just time consuming with some of them. Naturally I forgot three wips when I took the group shot - go figure.
Summer Cable Slipper
Zombie Skewed
Old Stash Spring Filia
Mason's Chase Hat
Christmas Garland
Jumbo Knitted Blanket
My Lime green Scarf
Random Kroy Orange Sock
Wurm Hat
Crochet Monkey Toy
Ministry Works10+ scarfs, hats & mittens
Simplest Mitten
Pink Furry Thing - Frog?
Loom Knit Scarf
More proof that this summer is going to be all sorts of crazy sauce ! lol
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